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Dental Implants, Services

What’s the Right Implant for you?

So, you want to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant but don’t know where to start?  Good news.. We know! First You will need a dental CT 3D x ray to get the complete view of your jaw. This view allows us to see your jaw in all the dimensions.  This amazing technology and our advanced training allows us to interpret this information giving us the ability to tell you what you need and what will work best for you.  Implant sizes range from the mini dental implant or a narrow diameter implant to a wide body implant that can be very long and wide. Second We now use this information to make a surgical guide which will accurately place the implant in the best possible location.  Avoiding nerves, nasal sinus and perforations of the bone. Third You set up your appointment to have the treatment provided.  We offer all the options you need to have the treatment provided in the way that best suits your particular situation. IV sedation, oral sedation, Nitrous oxide or just local anesthesia.  We cover all the options and let you choose which is best for you. Fourth Our financial coordinator will review all the costs.  Financing options, if needed will be covered. Once all your questions have been answered we will schedule your appointment. Fifth You arrive to your first appointment confident that all your questions have been answered and that you are getting the best that dentistry has to offer. Take the Next Step! With a 3D x ray we can determine how many implants you will need to provide the best case for you in your particular circumstance.  Call Dr. Sekulic now 513-896-1573 or schedule online for an evaluation.

Dental Implants, Services

Denture Stabilization

Is this your denture experience? Your dentures are loose, they slip, they fall out, they get food under them.  Seems you can’t taste your food like you did before and they make noise while you eat.  Bottom line is you don’t have the confidence to eat the things you want to and you are insecure in social settings since you don’t know how your teeth will perform for you.  Sound familiar? Need a Solution! Dental implants will transform your denture experience!  You will finally be able to get back the function and confidence that you have been missing.  Finally dentures like nature intended your teeth to be. Take the Next Step! Let’s get a 3D x ray so we can determine how many implants you will need to provide the best case for you in your particular circumstance.  Call or schedule online.

Dental Implants, Services

Implant bridge

Implant Bridge Tooth Replacement A ceramic bridge is recommended for the replacement of missing teeth, or teeth that have been damaged beyond repair.  Thanks to advances in modern dental techniques and material science, Dr. Sekulic will create a bridge that is designed to fit into the exact position of your missing teeth.  In addition, your new teeth will be mimicking the shape, size and shade of natural teeth. Our implant placement and prosthetic restoration will be so precise that it will be difficult to tell apart your natural teeth from the artificial teeth. Replacement of missing tooth: A bridge is affixed to implant screws for support. If you are missing one or more teeth implants provide a proven solution that lasts many years. Call or schedule online for a 3D x ray. 513-896-1573

Dental Implants, Services

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are great way to get your teeth back.  If you have lost one tooth or multiple teeth implants can give you something that looks and functions like your previous teeth. Dental Implants Provide a GREAT Permanent Solution Dr. Sekulic can place these titanium posts into the jawbone.  These metal anchors act as tooth root substitutes. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for the replacement teeth. Small posts that emerge from the implants and protrude through the gums provide stable anchors for the replacement teeth. Very importantly, dental implants help preserve facial structure, preventing bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing. However, dental implants are not for everyone.  You must be in good general health, have healthy gums and enough bone in your jaw to support the implants. Consistent maintenance afterward is essential to ensure your implants stay healthy.  Another factor to consider is that implants cost more than other kinds of replacement teeth. Bone support is important and when you loose a tooth the jaw bone shrinks and thins.  Over many years this may put you in a situation where an implant would not be possible without considerable expense and time.  Getting an implant closer to the time of tooth loss will save time and money. Here is an typical time frame for a typical dental implant procedure: If the bone is to thin sometimes a smaller implant called a mini implant can be used.  These are being placed for denture retention or replacement of single teeth. Even though implants take more time and can cost more they are an excellent way to replace teeth.  The patients that will receive the greatest benefit are denture wearers, especially lower dentures.  If you hate the way your lower denture fits a couple of implants will absolutely change your life. To learn more about dental implants and to see if they’re right for you, schedule online or call today at (513) 896-1573.

Dental Implants, Services

All on Four / Hybrid Denture

WHAT IS ALL ON FOUR? All on Four type dentures are designed to be fixed in place . As a result you don’t take your teeth out of your mouth since they are supported by dental implants. The implants have a component that is used as a bridge or connector.  This component is what allows your dentist to take your teeth in and out.  All on Four aka Hybrid dentures use this connector to enable the dentist to clean and repair your teeth as needed. HOW MANY IMPLANTS DO I NEED? Patients typically have four implants.  Four on the upper jaw and four on the lower jaw. WHAT IS ATTACHED TO MY IMPLANTS? Several replacement options area available that differ in cost.  From least to greatest is the acrylic denture, acrylic denture with titanium bar and finally a Zirconia all porcelain replacement. WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE LIKE? The procedure mimics many of the steps of a single implant placement except for the fact that many times you get to have your teeth placed the same day. WILL MY TEETH FEEL NATURAL? The fixed all on four hybrid denture will enable the patient to function with their teeth just like their old healthy natural teeth.  While dentures pushing against the lips from inside the mouth can make your smile and facial appearance  look unnatural, in contrast the all on four hybrid denture and implants fuse into your jawbone so they blend in with your natural teeth seamlessly. In addition the roof of the mouth also doesn’t have any material on it.  This removes the gag reflex, less irritation on the gums and tissue. No altered sense of taste or reduced ability to appreciate the temperature of your food. WHO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THIS TREATMENT? Patients that have lost most or all of their natural teeth, have failing natural teeth from decay or gum disease or other medical conditions.  In addition many patients can have existing loose or failing bridgework.  Others can have full dentures or partials that are not meeting the patients functional desires. WHEN DO I GET MY TEETH? Patients can get 4 implants in the upper or lower jaw.  A fixed denture hybrid will be supported by those 4 implants: (All the teeth in one jaw on 4 implants). Patients will start to enjoy the fixed (non-removable), highly aesthetic and functional hybrid denture teeth within 24 hours.  This is what typically happens.

Sedation Dentistry

Oral Sedation Dentistry

One in five patients are having a difficult time dealing with their dental fear.  Oral Sedation has become a simple and effective way to combat this. Who is a candidate for Oral Sedation Dentistry? Anyone who, What to Expect with Oral Sedation Dentistry These drugs work in a way to relax and make you feel more calm. The most common drugs used come under the family of Benzodiazepines.  Just like Versed is a Benzodiazepine and can be administered orally the most common oral Benzo used in dentistry is Halcion or Triazolam.  No Benzodiazepines should be freely mixed with other drugs that cause drowsiness. The combined effects of other depressant drugs, either prescribed or purchased at your local mart or “friend” should be used.  The combinations of drugs can be unpredictable and deadly.  Think of all the Hollywood types that have passed on.  Many of those situations are a result of prescription and non prescription combinations so Don’t Do It! As long as you follow the recommendations of our office you can be sure that things will go smoothly.Fortunately the drugs prescribed at our office are very safe and it is extremely unlikely that dangerous symptoms will result.  This is why they are used in dentistry. An added benefit, besides the calming action, is that of amnesia. For most people this works very well.  Remember that even though it works well for most people does not necessarily mean that it will work that way for you.  However, the odds are heavily in your favor that it will. Limitations of Oral Sedation Dentistry As a alternative to IV sedation, oral sedation can work well, but when it doesn’t work as hoped, an appointment can become difficult.  Unlike the IV route where medication can work within seconds, the oral route can take longer and have greater variation in effect. With “oral” absorption of the medication (letting the pill dissolve under the tongue) you minimize the variation of the gastrointestinal system(your stomach and gut where medicine is regularly absorbed).  Letting the pill dissolve under the tongue is helpful but still not as predictable as IV sedation. Click IV Sedation Dentistry, to find out how IV Sedation Dentistry can help and it’s the solution we most commonly recommend. To learn more, to find out if you’re a candidate for oral sedation dentistry, contact our office at (513) 896-1573.

Sedation Dentistry

IV Sedation Dentistry

What is IV sedation and how does it work? IV sedation stands for Intravenous(IV)Sedation.  The IV is placed so that drugs can be administered via the blood system.  You are not “put to sleep” with IV sedation rather medication is given to you so that you relax, feel at peace, have no worries and no memory of the experience.  If anything is remembered usually the details are very blurry and of no consequence.  The medication used is similar to the medication you would receive at a doctors visit for an upper or lower GI evaluation.  Twilight sleep or MAC can and do have elements of IV sedation.  Drugs that could cause rapid respiratory depression are not used. Would you benefit from IV Sedation? Learn more about Sedation Dentistry and who benefits from it the most. How does IV sedation dentistry feel? It feels great.  Nice warm feeling, relaxed knuckles.  It makes going and getting dental work done easy and comfortable.  The best experience that I can kinda relate it to is staying up all night and feeling very tired.  You sit in a comfortable chair and lean your head back your eyes may close and you feel very relaxed.  The difference is that instead of being so tired that you can’t be waken up, with IV sedation you are able to easily respond to questions and open your eyes. Some people use the term “sleep dentistry” or “twilight sleep” for this reason. You remain conscious as far as being able to respond to the Dentist and staff but the memory recall database in your brain is inactivated.  Thus you are asleep in the memory part of the mind but not in the action, reaction part.  This response of the mind due to the chemicals affecting it will make it seem as if time were passing by very quickly and of course little to no memory of the experience. A typical sedation experience goes something like this: Why do I still have to get my lip and tongue all numb for the dental treatment? The drugs administered through the IV are great for some things but remember your mind and your action reaction center is not turned off like it would be for a General Anesthesia type appointment.  Even with a GA many Doctors will numb certain areas that they are working on because it helps keep your automatic brain more relaxed and quiet.  Most of the drugs used in an IV Sedation are not painkiller type drugs but rather anti anxiety. The great thing about IV Sedation is being able to give you the “needle” after you have a good amount of medication on board.  You won’t feel much because we will still be as gentle as if you were awake.  Before we actually start the work we can verify that you are numb indeed. The IV The IV consists of a needle and a flexible catheter.  A vein not an artery is used for it’s placement.  To get a good location identified a thick rubber band is placed on the arm to get the veins all puffed up.  An alcohol wipe is used to clean up the area and then the needle with the flexible catheter is placed.  Once a good draw back is seen in the flash chamber the needle is slowly withdrawn and the catheter is slowly advanced.  Pressure is held, the IV tubing with solution is attached and everything is taped down. Monitoring Newer monitoring devices are very advanced and have all the features needed to provide a great and safe IV Sedation experience.  Blood pressure, blood oxygenation(pulse oximeter) and a heart rhythm monitor.  The pulse oximeter attaches to your finger typically and measures your pulse and how much oxygen is in your blood.  These early detection devices help ensure that your brain continues to receive all the necessary oxygen it needs to function properly.  Alarms are programmed to go off if your body starts to react in an unfavorable way.  We are then able to take immediate corrective action. Medication used during the treatment The most common medication used is Versed ( midazolam).  Other medications are added that are for pain, more sedation, anti swelling and nausea medication. Is there anything to worry about in regards to IV sedation? The way that IV sedation is done it is extremely safe.  More people are dangerously self medicating at the local adult beverage dispensary.  When you have someone that has been well trained and has good experience you can feel comfortable that you will be well taken care of.  Of course a meeting with us and thorough health history evaluation and exam is needed to determine if you are a suitable candidate for IV sedation. Why is IV sedation a superior method for Sedation Dentistry? Having IV access is the key. We can immediately add more medication, reverse medication or provide emergency medication quickly and effectively. If you really don’t want to know what is going on this is the preferred method. Oral sedation dentistry works well, but is not as predictable as with IV sedation dentistry because: Disadvantages of IV Sedation Dentistry While a few do exist, as in any situation, the trade off is well worth.  Complications can occur with the IV placement and lingering effects of sedation render that day relegated to sleeping or watching TV.  Of course you may not get to the point of ever getting away from needing IV Sedation for dental treatment. However, if you take care of the work that was done you should be in good shape for a long time.  We still encourage regular dental checkups that may be able to be managed with Laughing Gas or Oral Sedation.  Both of which are less expensive. If this sounds like something you would be interested in to help you receive the vital dental care your mouth needs, contact our office at (513) 896-1573.


Dentistry for Kids

Your dental health is one of the MOST important components of a long and healthy life and for most, this should start as early as possible. By helping your children learn the importance of going to the dentist at an early age, you’ll set them up for a lifetime of good oral health! What should you expect in their dental progression as your children grow up? 0-6 years Baby’s first teeth People usually think of a newborn baby as having no teeth. But the 20 primary teeth (baby teeth) that will erupt during the first three years already are present at birth in the baby’s jawbones. At birth, most of the crowns (i.e. the white tooth part we see) are almost complete, and the chewing surfaces of the permanent molars have begun forming. Primary teeth are important in normal development – for chewing, speaking and appearance. In addition, primary teeth hold the space in the jaws fro the permanent teeth. Both primary and permanent teeth help give the face its shape and form. A baby’s front four teeth usually come in first, typically at or about six months of age, although some children don’t have their first tooth until twelve or fourteen months. Most children have full set of 20 primary teeth by the time they are three years old. As your child grow, the jaws also grow, making room for the permanent teeth that will begin to erupt at about age six. At the same time, the roots of the primary teeth begin to be absorbed by the tissues around them, and the permanent teeth under them begin to erupt. Typically, children have the majority of their permanent teeth by 12 to 14 years of age. The remaining four permanent molars, often called wisdom teeth, erupt around age 21 to complete the set of 32 permanent teeth. When teeth begin erupting, some babies may have sore or tender gums. Gently rubbing your child’s gums with a clean finger or a wet gauze pad can be soothing. You also can give the baby a clean teething ring to chew on, by never dipped in sugar or syrup. If your child is still cranky and uncomfortable, consult your dentist or physician. contrary to common belief, fever is not normal for a teething baby. If your infant has an unusually high or persistent fever while teething, call your physician. The Transition Years 6-12 As children develop, their jaws and faces continue to change. The transition from baby teeth to adult teeth is gradual. by the time they reach adulthood, most children will progress from their 20 primary teeth(baby teeth) to 32 permanent (adult) teeth. All the while, the jaw gradually expands to make room for the additional 12 teeth. At about age six, maybe earlier, children begin to lose their front teeth on top and bottom. During the next six or so years, permanent teeth gradually will replace the primary teeth. The first permanent molars usually erupt between ages five and six. For that reason, they are often call the six-year molars. They are amount the “extra” permanent teeth tin the at they don’t replace an existing baby tooth. These important adult teeth are often mistaken for baby teeth. However, they are permanent and must be cared for properly if they are to last throughout the child’s lifetime. The six-year molars are especially important because they help determine the shape of the lower face. They also affect the position and health of other permanent teeth. Cleaning Your Child’s Teeth Begin cleaning the baby’s mouth during the first few days after birth. After every feeding, wipe the baby’s gums either with a clean, wet gauze pad or with a washcloth or towel. This removes plaque and residual food and helps children become accustomed to having their mouth checked. When your infant’s teeth begin to erupt, it is important to clean them regularly. You may continue to use a gauze pad or cloth to clean the incisors after feeding until the back teeth (molars) begin to erupt (usually around 12 months of age). Once a molar appears, brush all teeth gently with a child’s size sort toothbrush and water. Position your child so you can see in to the mouth easily; you may want to sit, resting his/her head in your lap. When your child can predictably spit and not swallow toothpaste, begin brushing the teeth with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. If the toothbrush looks worn, the bristles bent or frayed, it will not remove plaque effectively. Visiting your dentist every 6 months will ensure you get a free replacement twice a year. Flossing should also be encouraged. You may have to do this for the child initially. Remember the gums are very sensitive and snapping the floss between the teeth may negatively reinforce this important cleaning step. First Dental Visit If you follow the above recommendations carefully, the first visit with the dentist can be around the age of 2-3. Some recommend bringing in the child at first tooth eruption. This can be a good idea because it enables the dentist and staff to evaluate the development of your child’s teeth and to go over specific questions that you might have. This visit is similar to a well baby checkup with the child’s physician. During the first visit, the dentist can: Your Child’s First Visit The first “regular” dental visit should be just after your child’s third birthday. The first visit is usually short and involves very little treatment. We may ask the parent to sit in the dental chair and hold their child during the examination. The parent may also be asked to wait in the reception area during part of the visit so that a relationship can be built between your child and your dentist. We will gently examine your child’s teeth and gums. X-rays may be taken (to reveal decay and check on the progress of your child’s permanent teeth under the gums). We may clean your child’s teeth and apply topical fluoride to help protect the teeth against


Tooth Removal

Whether you need a single tooth removed or multiple teeth, including wisdom teeth, we can provide those oral surgeon services here in our office.  Dr. Sekulic’s combined residency experience plus over 20 years of removing teeth on a daily basis can assure you that you will get the work you need done quickly and pain free.  Nervous or anxious? Check our sedation options. Same day services are available. Tooth removal services include: To schedule an appointment, contact our office at (513) 896-1573 today.

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