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Blood Pressure Screenings

We don’t just care about your teeth, we care about your health!

It’s true that most people don’t visit their family doctor very often. As a result health issues may go undetected. Our blood pressure screening is done with our computerized blood pressure monitor at your regular maintenance visits.

Here are some items to consider regarding your blood pressure reading:

Blood Pressure CheckHigh Blood Pressure Range:

Systolic pressure (mm Hg)Top Number Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)Bottom

210 / 120 Stage 4
180 / 110 Stage 3
160 / 100 Stage 2
140 / 90 Stage 1

Normal Blood Pressure Range:

Systolic pressure (mm Hg)Top Number Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)Bottom Number

130 / 85 High Normal Blood Pressure
120 / 80 Normal Blood Pressure
110 / 75 Low Normal Blood Pressure

Signs of high blood pressure include, headache, dizziness, pounding in ears, bloody nose. If you can just picture pressure in your head, then you can remember what the signs of High Blood Pressure are.

You are at increased risk for cardiovascular (heart) disease if:

  • You smoke – Cigarette smokers are at greater risk than pipe and cigar smokers, but all forms of tobacco are proven to be detrimental to the hearts health.
  • You have diabetes
  • You are overweight – Persons that have an excess of body fat are at a higher risk than persons of normal weight.
  • Your diet is high in saturated fats
  • Family History – Children of parents that developed heart disease before the age of 55 have a higher risk of developing heart disease.
  • You exercise less than 30 minutes per day – Inactivity puts a person at higher risk of developing heart disease.
  • You are over 40 or a post-menopausal woman – Risk of heart disease increases over the age of 45 in males, over 55 in females.
  • You consume more than two alcoholic drinks per day
  • You have high blood pressure or need medication to control your blood pressure
  • You have high cholesterol levels or need medication to control your cholesterol level

Don’t leave your health up to chance! Call us at (513) 896-1573 to schedule a dental visit today and let us check to make sure your overall health is good.

New Patients Welcome

Sekulic Dentistry is now accepting new patients. We specialize in family, general and cosmetic dentistry. Visit us and discover compassionate care along with your best smile.

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