
Gum Disease, Services

Fluoride Treatment

Tooth decay is caused by acid that is formed when bacteria in your mouth are allowed to linger to long on the surface of your tooth.  The plaque is a sticky, clear film. Without good daily oral hygiene and regular dental visits, teeth become more vulnerable to decay and sensitivity.  Brushing multiple times per day and using floss or other interdental cleaner will remove the plaque. Regular dental examinations and cleanings are also important for keeping teeth healthy.  Another key to good oral health is fluoride, a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay and can help to repair and strengthen teeth. You can get fluoride in 2 ways, topical or systemic flourides. Topical Flourides – This is applied directly to your teeth.  This includes toothpastes and mouth rinses, as well as fluoride treatments in the dental office. Systemic – Fluoride that is swallowed.  This includes fluoridated water and dietary fluoride supplements.  The maximum reduction in dental caries is achieved when fluoride is available both topically and systemically.  At the dental office you can receive this treatment for children and adults.  If you are prone to cavities this can be an added defense to prevent trouble from arising. Factors that may increase the risk are as follows: PROFFESIONAL FLOURIDE TREATMENT If you or a family member is at a moderate to high risk of developing cavities, a professional fluoride treatment can help.  The fluoride preparation used in the dental office is much stronger in concentration than is available over the counter. Professional flouride treatments generally take just a few minutes and may be in the form of a solution, gel, foam or varnish. After the treatment, you may not eat or drink for 30 minutes, which allows for the maximum amount of flouride absorption into your teeth.  Eating or drinking sooner will reduce the effect of the fluoride. Depending on your oral health status, fluoride treatments may be recommended every three, six or 12 months. We may recommend other preventive measures if you are at a moderate or high risk of developing decay. We will discuss this more with you at the office. To learn more or to schedule your professional flouride treatment, contact our office at (513) 896-1573.

Gum Disease, Services

Gum Therapy

Did you know that your gums are an indicator of your dental health?  This tissue is what forms the barrier between your mouth and your body and f your gums are sore and bleed very easily, it could be an indiciation that you have gum disease. Gum therapy is the process we use to treat gum disease(periodontal disease). Like we mentioned above signs of gum disease include bleeding, sore gums and bad breathe.  If left untreated, periodontal disease can also cause significant loss of the spongy bone that holds your teeth in place, ultimately leading to loss of your teeth. In fact, periodontal disease untreated by gum therapy is the leading cause of tooth loss. Gum therapy is identified in several stages, the first being Gingivitis.  This can be cured with relative ease using non surgical treatment and better home care.  More advanced cases of gum disease require more intensive courses of gum therapy. To measure the health or your gums, a thin device is gently slid between your gum and your tooth and each tooth is measured in six areas in relation to the gum line.  If the area measures deeper than 3 a deep cleaning may be recommended. The deep cleaning process is called scaling and root planning. This removes the plaque and tarter from between the teeth and gum pockets.  As dental procedures go, it’s relatively painless and in most cases a local anesthetic is given to numb the treatment area.  After this type of treatment meticulous home care is needed to provide the best chance of healing and preventing of future gum problems. During the course of gum therapy we may prescribe antibiotics and a mouth rinse to aide in killing the bacteria associated with gum disease. We will recommend seeing you for follow up 4 times a year instead of the regular 2 times. This helps us keep you informed of your progress and prevents relapsing of your original condition.  If the treatment we have provided for you isn’t successful you may be referred to a specialist for further treatment. To learn more about gum therapy treatments or to schedule an appointment, contact our office at (513) 896-1573.

Removable Teeth, Services

Denture Stabilization

Is this your denture experience? Your dentures are loose, they slip, they fall out, they get food under them.  Seems you can’t taste your food like you did before and they make noise while you eat.  Bottom line is you don’t have the confidence to eat the things you want to and you are insecure in social settings since you don’t know how your teeth will perform for you.  Sound familiar? Need a Solution! Dental implants will transform your denture experience!  You will finally be able to get back the function and confidence that you have been missing.  Finally dentures like nature intended your teeth to be. Take the Next Step! With a 3D x ray we can determine how many implants you will need to provide the best case for you in your particular circumstance.  Call Dr. Sekulic now to set up a no cost implant consultation with complimentary 3D x ray.  513-896-1573

Removable Teeth, Services


Partial Dentures, Full Dentures, Immediate Dentures We understand that everyone has different needs. A quality partial denture or full denture is what you can be sure of.  We do multiple steps to ensure that the fit and comfort will be the best that it can be. If you have been having pain with your teeth and believe you may need either a full or partial denture we can provide your dental extractions and delivery of your immediate partial or full denture.  This way if something isn’t fitting right or looking right you are dealing with the person that made the denture at your tooth removal appointment.  We can provide the adjustments and customizations you may need to make you feel comfortable right away. Steps to receiving your dentures include: When we see you for your evaluation and consultation we will give you more details in regards what option would be best for you so contact us today at (513) 896-1573 to schedule your evaluation.

Services, Tooth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Have you been told that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed? Or perhaps you’re experiencing pain in the back of your mouth, most likely resulting from an impacted wisdom tooth that hasn’t grown in properly? Why Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? If we have enough room in the jaw the eruption of these teeth will be just a normal process of growing up.  However, many people only have enough room for twenty-eight teeth.   When there is not enough room for these teeth to erupt properly they become impacted. Wisdom teeth are considered “impacted” or unable to erupt when they have no place to go or grow. They may grow in sideway (which can destroy your second molar), only partially come through the gum causing a bacteria trap resulting in recurrent infections or remain trapped beneath the gum and bone forming fluid filled sac (cyst) or tumors that destroy the jaw or teeth surrounding this area. Wisdom teeth can be considered not functional or useful if they are: Some of the benefits of early wisdom teeth removal that can help you to avoid future problems, include: Wisdom teeth should be removed in order to: COST Health care is expensive and lots of people charge lots of different prices for dental care.  Here is a link that you can use that can help you get an estimate of how much it could cost.  It’s based on prices that are turned into insurance companies and the zip code that it comes from.  Here it is SEDATION Make it as easy as you can and have IV Sedation performed.  We have been providing this service for almost 30 years and it’s wonderful.  Dr. Sekulic’s additional year long training after dental school means you can receive ALL of your critical dental care services at his Hamilton OH office, including wisdom tooth removal. He has provided this procedure to patients under all circumstances available.  Some people don’t want anything more than numbing others get Nitrous Oxide, Oral Sedation or IV Sedation. We can help you decide which option can help you best so contact our office at (513) 896-1573 to schedule a consultation.

Services, Tooth Removal

Simple or Surgical Tooth Removal

Unfortunately, sometimes the only solution we have to your tooth pain or dental trouble is to remove the tooth. On the bright side, we can take care of any tooth removal that you need quickly and painlessly. Tooth removals, also called tooth extractions, typically fall into 2 main categories, simple extractions or surgical extractions. Simple Extraction: This means that no cutting, digging, bone removal or stitching was needed to remove your tooth. Surgical Extraction: A more technically unique circumstance that requires one or more of the following: cutting, digging, bone removal or stitching. Teeth that most often need to be surgically removed are upper molars, canines (I teeth), first pre molars and wisdom teeth. During my residency program I was given additional training significantly above what we received in dental school for the removal of teeth. If we can’t take care of your situation there will be no charge for your visit and we will give you your X ray to take to your dentist of choice. This excludes wisdom teeth. How the tooth extraction works: If you have never had a tooth extraction performed before, it can seem very intimidating. It can be even more so if you’ve had it done in the past and it wasn’t a good experience! Fortunately, we do have solutions to help you deal with your fear or anxiety. See our information about sedation dentistry. In order to resolve your tooth pain or discomfort, we typically follow these steps: Now, many people have trouble with the fact that there is a fair amount of pressure needed to loosen some teeth, in addition to the wiggling and movement of the tooth, something that for many is very unusual to feel in the mouth. Lastly the sounds are very strange. You are welcome to bring your music device with you and turn it up to help with the sounds. However, as far as getting the tooth out, it’s typically a pretty quick procedure and is over in just a few minutes. If you think you may need a tooth removed, contact our office at (513) 896-1573 to schedule an appointment.

Cosmetic Dentistry, Services

Professional Teeth Whitening

A beautiful, white smile doesn’t have to be something that is out of reach! In fact, many everyday people are enjoying the benefits of a ‘Hollywood’ quality smile thanks to a simple but effective tooth whitening procedure. This professional grade tooth whitening procedure offers a near permanent solution for discolored teeth and best of all, it’s a solution that will work for people of all ages. To begin this tooth whitening treatment you will first need to come into our office where molds of your teeth will be created.  Using these molds, customized bleaching trays are constructed within just a day or two. When you receive your customized trays, you’ll also receive a professional strength bleaching agent. This high strength bleaching agent means that you don’t have to carry that tray in your mouth all night, or hours at end for that matter. The take home kit is worn for a half hour every day for 2 weeks or until you get the desired results you want. As an aside, all teeth are in different stages of their development and as a result each person’s ideal tooth color will vary. If you have questions about professionally whitening your teeth, we invite you to schedule online or call at (513) 896-1573 to speak with us about what you desire for your smile.  We’ll be happy to  help guide you to the best solution at your consultation visit. We also offer in office tooth whitening so if you’d prefer that option, simply mention that when you call and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment.

Cosmetic Dentistry, Services

Natural Looking White Fillings

Have you had cavities filled in the past with the metal amalgam fillings traditionally used by dentists?  Are you embarrassed to show your smile because of your mouth full of metal? Well, metal-free teeth fillings, also known as composite filling and white filling, are a great alternative to these traditional metal amalgam fillings used my many old-school dentists. These new, natural looking white fillings offer many advantages, including: To learn more about how these natural looking tooth-colored fillings can benefit you, schedule online or call  today at (513) 896-1573. Just Want the Traditional Tooth Fillings? If you still want to have the traditional silver tooth fillings, we can help! While these newer, composite material tooth fillings offer many advantages over the traditional silver tooth fillings, we still provide these traditional fillings to those patients that request them.  These silver fillings have a long history of success and we fully expect them to continue providing patients good function for many years to come.

Cosmetic Dentistry, Services

Natural Looking Dental Crowns

Dental crowns or caps are a great way to protect and prolong the health of your teeth.  While crowns are typically used to improve the look of teeth that have been damaged as a result of trauma, decay, or cracking, they can also be used to simply improve the esthetics of a smile. They are used frequently to straighten and enhance teeth that didn’t form correctly during their development or for teeth that are in poor position or have been discolored through years of neglect or abuse. A dental crown can be made from a number of different materials including metal, porcelain, composite or a combination of these materials. If you’re looking for a Hamilton Ohio dentist that can help you create a beautiful, natural smile with dental crowns, schedule online or call today at (513) 896-1573. Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Crowns? We recommend crowns for the following reasons: When you visit our office, we will candidly discuss with you which teeth may benefit from a dental crown and which type of crown would be best for your situation. “What Does A Typical Dental Crown Procedure Look Like?” Your crown treatment procedure will typically require two separate appointments.  During your first visit, we will create the correct tooth form and capture it in a dental tooth mold.  During the second visit we’ll actually seat your dental crown. After your first visit you will leave with a plastic temporary crown.  It is important that you take care of it.  You may brush and floss the area but we recommend that you do not chew on it.  If that is unavoidable, DO NOT chew hard, sticky foods.  Chances are your temporary crown will come off and need to be replaced or remade. Without the temporary tooth, you may have severely increased sensitivity so it’s recommended that you do not chew on it.  If you break the remaining tooth structure you may loose the tooth or incur more expense to repair the damage. Once you have the final crown seated you may return to normal chewing activities. Congratulations! You now have a greatly reinforced tooth that will provide you with many, many years of function. However, to ensure this is the case, be sure to schedule regular dental visits (every 6 months) at our office and maintain a healthy and balanced diet.  Daily brushing and flossing are also essential to being able to provide your crown the longest life span.

Cosmetic Dentistry, Services

Dental Veneers

Is your smile less than perfect?  Do you have gaps, odd shaped teeth, or teeth than are not as white as you’d like? Dental Veneers are a Great Way to Correct A Less Than Perfect Smile Dental veneers are very thin, custom-designed shells of a tooth-like ceramic material that get placed on top of your existing teeth.  This thin veneer offers a beautiful, natural looking appearance and provide a strong tooth structure once the bonding is completed. The life like appearance, stain resistance, beauty and durability come only from porcelain restorations.  The advantage to a porcelain veneer is that it enables the final appearance to have a more natural appearance than other treatments and this quality alone makes them ideally suited for the best cosmetic look. With dental implants we can help you correct: Now, if porcelain veneers are out of your budget, there are newer composite materials available can also provide a great enhancement.  With a lower cost than the popular porcelain veneers and the ease of repair, these dental restorations are also a great alternative. Plus, these composite dental veneers are typically applied in one day, with no waiting.  The disadvantages are that they are not as strong as porcelain and they tend to discolor around the edges after several years.  Typically this is easily repaired with minimal expense. To learn more about how dental veneers can help you create that beautiful smile you deserve, schedule online or call at (513) 896-1573 today.

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